In the initiation phase of this development we joined forces with the main stakeholders in the field of energy, connectivity and sustainability, including technical service provider USG Engineering Professionals (the connecting factor between people, knowledge and networks). The plans fit within the municipal policy aimed at sustainable data centers. Together, the parties have the knowledge and expertise to realize energy-efficient Tier 3 and Tier 4 data centres.
“The Amsterdam metropolitan area is one of the three most important data center hubs in Europe, along with London and Frankfurt.
In addition, Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) is one of the largest internet hubs in the world. With the rise of cloud services and big data, the data centre market is experiencing unprecedented growth. The sector, which has been cited as one of the strongest pillars of the Dutch economy, has become an integral part of our society and will grow even more rapidly as a result of the “Internet of Things” (IoT), among other things. The demand for data centres in the Amsterdam region is expected to continue to rise sharply in the coming years.
For more information regarding the sale, please refer to the relevant press release dated July 27, 2021: Newsletter: Selling data centre to GGID
Parties involved:
Architect: Rosbach Architects B.V.
– Structural engineer: Van Rossum Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V.
– Systems advisor: HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V.
– Broker: AC Niellsen Data Center
– Sustainable advisor: Sustainable Network Consultancy