The beer glasses are gone from Heineken Hoek!
The iconic beer glasses that adorned the roof of Amsterdam’s famous ‘Heineken Corner’ were removed on 4 March of this year. The glasses had been a feature of the roof of Heineken Corner since the 1980s, being replaced several times over the years.
Now that the beer glasses and other Heineken advertising is gone, a start can be made on demolishing the roof and external walls. The interiors have already been all but demolished. The demolition work is expected to be completed by the end of May, so construction work on the foundations of the new building can commence in June. Construction will take approx. 18 months, with delivery of the new building expected in mid-2022.
The new building consists of six stories and a basement containing hospitality outlets, including a hotel. The height of the new building volume corresponds to the heights of the adjoining buildings.
For further information on the project, see the project page at https://caransa.nl/en/project/heineken-hoek/. Specific questions about the project can be addressed to prheinekenhoek@caransa.nl.